Valued customer/consumer,

Health Bread vitality flour is a flour that came to be as a result of the poor and declining state of health Worldwide! It is a natural product in all its form. Every day people take in through their commercially produced food, pollutants from pesticide treatment of fruits and vegetables.

The body and the immune system constantly fight against these pollutants to rendering them harmless to the organs. Years of taking in these substances damage the organs -diseases arise. Many toxins in over processed food, ladened with "sweetening’s and additives" creates increased problems. The beautiful appearance of foods with the aid of chemical additives transformed into visual treat; have you ever thought about compensating your body for its daily peak performance?

The health conscious consumers processes health flour in their daily foods such as Bread dough, Pasta dough, cookie dough, Pizza dough and feed the body with all the essential minerals and vitamins. The health flour has a positive effect on digestion and strengthens the cardiovascular system. The body is purified by the flour and toxins are flushed out. So is the immune system strengthened, making it much easier now for it to dealing with harmful substances from the environment, viruses and pathogens! The result is a vital,active body, and robust health.

Some overweight consumers testified that with bread made of health flour, in no time reduced in weight easily! Unlike bread that was baked with conventional flour, the bread baked with health flour is without flatulence, causes a prolonged satiety and regulates fat metabolism!

Some mothers, whose children suffer from ADHD and other attention problems, have noticed significant improvement in the performance of their children's concentration, after the nutrition was changed to Health Bread products.

Contents: Organic raw materials like whole grain organic wheat, rye, teff, ancient wheat, oats, barley, organic amaranth, organic buckwheat, organic spelt and so on. Many consumers repeatedly confirm the health effects they enjoy and are already integrated in my inner client cycle.

Health Bread Noodles

Health Bread Noodles
Price: 4,00 EUR

plus mailing expenses

Health meal

Health meal
Price: 10,00 EUR

plus mailing expenses

Health meal

Health meal
Price: 10,00 EUR

plus mailing expenses

Our company is solely based on customers demand and our entire team is committed to meeting these requirements. Our loyal customers are our best proof of quality! We would love to be your contact name in health and balance and to include you in out contact list. Our goal is to establish a model health standard solely based on natural food! We are glad to introduce our full of life and distinctive products to you. Our paramount aim is to ensure that our consumers are completely satisfied with our services. Health flour is a household pharmacy!

My motto: Back to health with healthbread products!

Gewerbepark Simson {ATELIER HAUS, TOR A}
Meininger Straße 222
Suhl, 98529

Postfach 200446
98507 Suhl

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Opening Time
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00 Hrs
Saturday: 9:00 - 17:00 Hrs
Sunday: Closed

Write to, or 0175 9853974, 03681 803488, or by Fax: 03681 327139

We would be delighted if we have aroused your interest and will soon welcome you back.

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